Kristus Aman's Inaugural Feast Day & Triduum

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fresmondAs we kick off the triduum leading up to our inaugural parish feast day celebration, here is a sneak peek of what is to come from our very own beloved Father Esmond Chua, OFM, who will be the main celebrant throughout the triduum as well as the feast day mass.

Fr. Esmond was newly ordained in February this year at the Church of St Mary of the Angels by the Archbishop of Singapore, His Grace, the Most Reverend William Goh. Since then, he has been serving the Church of St Mary of the Angels under the Order of Franciscans Minor.

It is particularly felicitous that Kristus Aman’s very first parish feast day be celebrated by Fr. Esmond who is also its very first ordained priest and parishioner from birth.

To help us prepare, Fr. Esmond has graciously provided a short preview of the themes and content of the next four days of Masses.

Day 1: Mary, Woman of Faith (Click here for homily transcript)
What is faith and what do we understand by it? Why was Mary known as the Woman of Faith? These questions and more will be explored on the 1st day of the triduum.

Day 2: Mary, Beacon of Hope (Click here for homily transcript)
What does hope mean for us as Christians living in this world? How are we beacons to others? The 2nd day’s theme focuses on the aspect of hope in society, and how we can be transformed to be beacons of hope, just like Mary.

Day 3: Mary, Mother of Charity (Click here for homily transcript)
The theme of day 3 explores the concepts of love and charity. What is love and charity? How can we be charitable in our daily lives? Find out how Mary, Mother of Charity is our role model in this aspect.

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God - Feast Day: Mary, Queen of Peace (Click here for homily transcript)
After going through the three key Christian virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity, we can find Peace. What is peace and why is Mary Queen of Peace? We explore the Queenship of Mary and our identities as gifts of peace to the Church and society.

In parting, Fr. Esmond highly recommends attending all four days of Mass, as each day’s homily builds upon the themes of the previous days, and culminates on the feast day with a rich and rewarding message.


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